Mind Blogs 1.0 has a cute story to go with every cup of coffee: Prem Koshy

Prem Koshy

Over the past 60 years, the walls of Koshy’s have listened to millions of stories narrated to one another – from great-great grandfathers to great-great grandsons. They have encompassed all religious, social, national, ethnic boundaries and backgrounds.

Many a book on different subjects has been born here. But, this special book, with its brilliant stories about how life in each one of these angels who has authored the pieces that visit here experience, is brought together and shared with all of us at Koshy’s.

Christina, with her little anecdotes of memories and relationships with teachers, friends, family and the state of infrastructure in our country; reminds us, that we need to be in harmony with our fellow beings and yet stay connected with our inner being. We need to be internally referenced, she says, and not just externally as modern life would demand.

Zahid… the bakra, the before-after-man, evokes the adventure, the mystery, the excitement that surrounds our daily lives. I’m sure many a girl in red he spotted in Koshy’s must have triggered his flights of fantasy, or reality, to keep the reader guessing, and turning the pages faster than they usually would!

Nimmi’s (Nirmala) eloquence and poignant simplicity bring out those tiny things that make life so interesting – a journey on her scooter, her relationship with her grandpa, the people she meets on the train, the little girl next door, the deity she brings home and other gems that want to be read, over and again.

And time to watch out our next page, as in… surprise, and a cute story to go with every cup of coffee!

Prem Koshy, theatre person, environmentalist, musician, yoga master and restaurateur